ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵsets a new standard for high-quality carbon removal

11 Nov 2022

ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ (ANU) has established a set of principles to guide ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵcarbon removal projects and carbon credit purchases to assist in achieving the University's below zero emissions goal. Theshort-term aimof the principlesis to achieve net zero emissions by 2025 with commercial carbon credit purchases. From 2030 onwards, the principles aim to achieve below zero emissions with carbon removal that is tied to ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵland, research, teaching or partnerships. 

Latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate that, in order to limit temperature rise and the more damaging effects of climate change, we must significantly reduce emissions while simultaneously ramping up activities that permanently remove harmful greenhouse gases from our atmosphere.  

The (the Principles) establish 17 guiding principles that set a rigorous standard for ANcarbon removal activities, including projects connected to the University's core business of research and teaching - a unique approach to offsetting carbon emissions in Australia. 

 "ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵhas the opportunity to establish programs that prioritise genuine greenhouse gas removal and these principles lay the foundation for our commitmentto high-quality and verifiable results," says Professor Mark Howden, Director of the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵInstitute of Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions and a Vice-Chair of the IPCC. 

 Development of the Principles was born out of quality concerns surrounding both domestic and international carbon credit markets. The current Australian carbon credit markethas also been declared a by Professor Andrew Macintosh, casting doubt on the quality of many Australian carbon credits. ANU-led analysis published by Macintosh and others has led toan investigation into the integrity of the Australian carbon credit market, headed by former ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵVice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Chubb. The findings of the review are due for release in December 2022. 

 With the need for integrity and efficacy in carbon credits at an all-time high, the Principles position ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵas an active contributor towards improving carbon removal methodologies and markets via the research and teaching connected to ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵcarbon removal projects. 

 The Principles also focus on priority areas for co-benefits - positive impacts that carbon removal projects can have in addition to their climate mitigation benefits. Supporting First Nations' connections to Country and traditional knowledge, biodiversity conservation and landscape regeneration, improved water quality, sustainable agricultural production and enhancing adaptation to climate change are just some of the key areas in which the Principles aim to share the benefits from carbon removal investment. 

 Professor Howden says "it is essential that weconsider the full range of potential benefits to the environment and society in greenhouse gas removal activities. This ensures not only the longevity of the projects, but their value to future generations."


If you have any questions about the Principles, please reach out to the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵBelow Zero team at below@anu.edu.au.