What is ANU+?

The is a program that formally recognises your experience and contribution achieved through volunteering. It encourages you to give back to the community, to develop skills related to your employability prospects and to reflect on your co-curricular experiences to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. In this program, you will develop the following skills:

  • self-awareness
  • resilience
  • inclusion and awareness of diversity
  • communication skills
  • community and global engagement
  • personal and social responsibility
  • leadership skills and understanding of organisational dynamics.

Learn everything you need to know about ANU+ in our .

How do I get involved?

The first step is to attend a compulsory ANU+ workshop.

In Semester 2, 2023, compulsory workshops will resume in September. Search 'ANU+' in Events on  to register for a workshop.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some of the commonly asked questions relating to the ANU+ Program. 

Can I do ANU+ and when can I start?

ANU+ is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students. Students can start at any time in their degree. 

Read our ANU+ requirements (below) for more information.

ANU+ requirements

  1. Attend introductory workshop and ensure you complete the . Search 'ANU+' in Events on to register for a workshop.
  2. Agree to code of conduct.
  3. Volunteer 20 hours.
  4. on your development (200-500 words.)
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 five times as an undergraduate (100 hours in total) or three times if you are postgraduate (60 hours in total). You will also receive opportunities to support your skill development such as completing a strengths assessment and a tailored career planning appointment.
  6. -  written, video, presentation or another approved format of your choice.
  7. Receive the ANU+ award, which will appear on your academic transcript.

Please refer to the and for more detail, and/or the ANU+ and .

What will I receive on completion?

Successful participants are awarded the ANU+ Award which will appear on your academic transcript.

I want to find volunteering

A good place to start finding external volunteer opportunities is through . For internal volunteering, please refer to the .

I am an ANU+ student and want to make a submission

You'll have access to ANU+ on . Please follow the steps there for submissions.

I am an ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵstaff member and want to register a volunteer role for ANU+

If you are an ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵstaff member and want your volunteer roles to count towards ANU+, please fill in .

Still have questions?

If you have further questions please get in touch by emailing

Information for ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵstaff

Are you a staff member within an ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵCollege, School or Division who currently offer volunteering opportunities to students? If so, you might be interested in having your volunteering opportunity recognised through the university’s volunteer co-curricular recognition program, the ANU+ award.

Below is a guide on how to register a volunteer role with ANU+ and how you can support your students’ personal and professional development alongside them being able to claim hours as part of their ANU+ award.

What is ANU+?

The ANU+ award is a program that formally recognises students’ experiences and contributions achieved through volunteering. It encourages students to:

  • give back and connect to the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵand local Canberra community, 
  • develop skills related to their future employability, and 
  • reflect on their co-curricular experiences to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Why register a volunteer role with ANU+?

The ANU+ award is the University’s way of acknowledging the impact and importance of students engaging in co-curricular activities alongside their program of study at ANU.

ANU+ provides opportunities for students to connect with the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵand local Canberra community, enhance their employability skills and build on their self-awareness and capacity to build skills for the future outside the classroom.

By registering your volunteering role with the ANU+ program, you are agreeing to abide by best practice principles developed between the ANU+ team, the university, and Volunteering ACT. Once your role has been reviewed and approved by the team you will be supporting your volunteers to complete volunteering hours for the ANU+ program.

Who can register a volunteering role with ANU+?

Any staff member who supervises volunteers as part of an organised volunteering program in a College, School or Division at ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵis eligible to register the volunteering role/s for inclusion within the ANU+ Award Program.

How can I register a volunteering role?

There are two steps for ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵstaff to register a volunteering role with ANU+ so that students can count hours towards their ANU+ timesheets:

  1. ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵstaff (volunteer supervisors) email a position description for the volunteering role to the ANU+ team at
  2. ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵstaff (volunteer supervisors) fill in , which includes information about the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, as well as information about the requirement for volunteers to fill in a volunteer declaration form for the ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵInsurance Office.

Once we have received the position description and form submission, the role will be reviewed against the eligibility criteria and the WHS requirements . Following review, confirmation will be provided via email regarding whether the role may be counted towards ANU+.

ANU+ criteria for volunteering roles

  • Be part of a University-run volunteering community
  • Have a volunteer position description which includes the following:
    • A purpose statement
    • A role statement
    • What benefits the volunteer will gain in the role
    • Time commitment
    • Qualifications and experience needed (if any)
  • Involve mandatory training to sufficiently prepare students to undertake the volunteering responsibilities
  • Meet the
  • The student/s has/have no expectation of payment
  • The student is under no obligation to attend the workplace or perform volunteer work
  • You have considered if the student volunteer/s require a Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) card, based on the that may occur.

Volunteer supervisor responsibilities

Volunteer supervisors are responsible for:

  • Training and supervising student volunteers and verifying the volunteer hours completed by the student as part of their role
  • Signing student ANU+ timesheets (training does not count towards ANU+ hours)
  • Ensuring the student completes a volunteer declaration form and sends a copy to the .

ANU+ Work Health and Safety requirements

  • The supervisor of the student/s has completed WHS Risk Management Training, WHS Management System for Managers and Supervisors and Figtree Workplace Safety Incident & Hazard Reporting Tool on .
  • The supervisor of the student will ensure the student/s has completed University Work Health and Safety (WHS) Induction on .
  • The supervisor of the student will provide the student/s a Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 induction (appendix B and/or C, .)
  • The supervisor has completed a risk assessment (appendix B, ) and will provide any additional relevant training to the student/s based on the results.
  • If the volunteering involves an event/function, the supervisor has referred to chapter .

Key Dates


Deadline to submit your final reflection to finish ANU+ in Semester 1, 2024. All timesheets and short reflections must be approved by the time you submit or present your final reflection.


Deadline to submit your final reflection to finish ANU+ in Semester 2, 2024. All timesheets and short reflections must be approved by the time you submit or present your final reflection.


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